Local children take their classroom outdoors

At Walton Charity we believe in making our land and green spaces available for local people and community groups to enjoy.

Our community allotment on Terrace Road, Walton, welcomes children from local schools to come along and learn more about nature, growing and where our food comes from. Monkey Puzzle Nursery and Pre-School are the newest group to join these outdoor classroom sessions.

The nursery has started a programme of weekly sessions, giving pre-schoolers the opportunity to experience and enjoy being outdoors. Through exploration and discovery, they learn about nature and the need to protect and respect it. On World Kindness Day the children each picked produce from the allotment and made a cake for their families.

The outdoor classroom sessions have been such a big hit that the nursery will be increasing the visits and our Green Spaces Manager, Karen, will be planning more interactive sessions for the children to enjoy.

We are also pleased that Monkey Puzzle have pledged to support our Stripey Stork Christmas Appeal, ensuring more children across Elmbridge have the Christmas they deserve.

To find out more about getting involved in our community allotment contact Karen (greenspaces@waltoncharity.org.uk).

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