Our allotment sites are now managed by the tenants

Walton Charity has a long history of providing allotments, dating back to the 1800s. These small plots of land have served people in our local area through two World Wars and many historical and cultural changes. A spike in interest during Covid-19 meant, once-again, demand for allotment plots rocketed.

With more people working from home and time on the allotment recognised as an ‘approved’ form of exercise, all four of our sites were at full capacity.

So, with a thriving community of plot-holders that represents a cross-section of our community, we have decided to hand over the reins to the allotment tenants, giving them a greater involvement in the decision making, and enabling them to lead on site-specific developments.

In January 2022, Walton Allotment Association officially took over the management of Walton Charity’s four allotments sites. Each site has its own management team with tenants taking on roles including Chair, finance and administration. Even in this short time, there has been an increase in the community feel of each site with more social events and site improvements.

Walton Charity will continue to support and work with Walton Allotment Association as demand for allotment plots evolves. Who knows what the next stage in the history of our allotments will be?

If you are interested in putting your name on the waitlist for a plot or would like to support the new Walton Allotment Association, please email AllotWalton@gmail.com

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